Course Syllabus

Cooking Basics Mini Course

This course is part of a project for EME 6457 Distance Learning, University of South Florida



Elizabeth Soodak, J. Alan Hamill, Erin Grabowski, Valerie Fournand



Spring 2023


April 3rd, 2023 – April 16th, 2023



Online, Off-Campus


Online, Off-Campus

Minimum Technical Skills &


In order to take this online course, you will need to be able to use basic kitchen equipment, have a computer, internet access, camera and video recording access.


There are no prerequisites in order to take this course.

Virtual Office


By appointment

I.  Instructor Contact Information and Communication

If you need to contact the instructors for this course about content, questions or to set up an appointment for office hours, please use the email address listed on the instructor page, or via Canvas email.


II. First Week Attendance Policy

First week attendance for this course will be fulfilled by successfully completing a discussion board post in module 0. It is labeled “M0: First Day Introductions”.


III. Course Description

In module one, a foundation of knowledge will be laid as it relates to food safety and preparation. Knowledge acquisition, recall, and comprehension will be the focus. In module two students will build on the knowledge gained in the previous module and synthesize the new information by developing meals of their own.


IV. Course Structure

The course will be delivered completely online. There is a total of three modules. The “Getting Started” module is called Module 0. In Modules 1 and 2 you will be required to read a review presentations, watch a video, participate in discussions, and, in different ways, interact with the newly acquired knowledge.


V. Learning Outcomes

Upon completing Module 1:

  • By the end of Lesson 1, students will be able to demonstrate the components of food safety by properly cleaning hands, work surfaces, food and conduct proper food storage. 
  • By the end of Lesson 2, students will be able to demonstrate safe knife skills by properly holding and using a knife to chop common household vegetables without injury.

Upon completing Module 2:

  • By the end of Lesson 3, students will be able to demonstrate proper use of measuring tools by making accurate measurements to follow a recipe. 
  • By the end of Lesson 4, students will be able to apply food safety, knife and measurement skills to create a mean. 

VI. Required Course Materials

All course materials in Canvas are required unless indicated as optional content.

Basic kitchen equipment is also required.


VII. Basis for Final Grade

Grades are viewable throughout the course in Canvas. Grades within each category are weighted by the point value available for each item. Final grades will be assigned based on the following category weightings and grade scale.


Percent of Final Grade








Grading Scale (%)











VIII. Overview of Assignments:

The assignments will comprise 40% of your final grade. Assignments will include readings, presentations, quizzes and products.


The discussion board activities in this online course should be thought of as the equivalent to whole class discussions that you would see in a traditional on-campus class. The purpose of the discussion board is to build a community of learners where dialogue, discussion, and peer-to-peer interaction take place. Responding to a peer is highly encouraged and often required in order to build a more engaging learning experience and learning community. The discussions will make up 40% of your final grade.


There will be quizzes administered in each module to check your understanding of the lectures and readings. The quizzes will make up 20% of your final grade.


IX. Instructor Feedback Policy & Grade Dissemination

We will respond to email communication relevant to the subject matter within 24 hours of the date received. You can access your scores at any time using "Grades" in Canvas.


X.  Course Policies: Grades

 Late Work Policy:

Late work will be accepted with written permission (email or Canvas message) by the professors. Please contact your instructor via email as soon as you become aware of a conflict that might impact your ability to submit an assignment, quiz, or an exam by the due date. Requests for late submissions will be considered on a case-by-case basis and are at the discretion of the professor.


XI.  Student Expectations and Course Policy Guidelines:

  • Act professionally in the way you communicate. Treat your instructors and peers with respect, the same way you would do in a face-to-face course.  Respect other people’s ideas and be constructive when explaining your views about points you may not agree with.
  • Be sensitive to other perspectives and respectful of other's ideas and opinions. There will be people in your class with different linguistic backgrounds, political and religious beliefs or other general differences.
  • Proofread and check spelling. Doing this before sending an email or posting a thread on a discussion board will allow you to make sure your message is clear and succinct.
  • Avoid the use of all capital letters, it can be perceived as if you are shouting, and it is more difficult to read.
  • Keep your communications focused and on topic. 
  • Be clear with your words and avoid using humor or sarcasm. Since people can’t see your expressions or hear your tone of voice, meaning can be misinterpreted.


XII. Email and Discussion Board Guidelines:

  • Use the subject line effectively by using a meaningful line of what your email or discussion is.
  • Keep your emails and postings related to the course You should not post anything personal on a discussion board, unless it is requested by the instructor.
  • Any personal, course or confidential issues should be directly communicated to the instructor via email. The discussion boards are public spaces; therefore, any issues should not be posted there.


XIII. Canvas Technical Support:

If you have technical difficulties in canvas, you can find access to the canvas guides and video resources in the “Canvas Help” page on the homepage of your canvas course.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due